Monday, January 20, 2014

Week 1 :: January 1-3 :: 2014

Alright, here we go!  I am giving myself exactly 1 hour, 1 hour every week to document our lives. Luckily this week is short, since I already spent about 15 minutes trying to download and start up Wordpress before realizing it was sucking my time away!  I am familiar with Blogger and, for the sake of time and ease, just going this route.  Who knows, it may change as the year goes on, but if I don't get started, my hour will be gone and I won't have anything to show!

As way of introduction, I am writing to help preserve a few moments.  I feel like I am so, SO blessed to have the life I am living RIGHT NOW!  I want to capture as much of it as I can, and I want to have a place for my young children to look back on what life was like before they can really remember it for themselves.  A place for Vince and Damon to be able to relive some of these times through my eyes as well as theirs.  In order to continue living the life I so treasure, I can only allot a small window of time each week to this project, but I think it will be an hour well spent!

As time passes I want to describe each child as I see them in a current moment, but for now, I will just give ages.  Vincent is 6 1/2 and in first grade, Damon is 5 and in kindergarten, Kurtis is 3, Annika and Dominic turned 6 months old this week!  The only quick description I can think of is that I have the most incredible kiddos on the planet and they are basically perfect little people who I want to encourage to be exactly who they are!  I love each of them to the moon and back!  Along with their daddy, they are the beginnings of most of my smiles! They are the best, most amazing things in the history of EVER!

Back to my documentation:

This short, three day week was fun!  On the 1st we drove back from a quick trip down to Durango, CO.  I had Kurtis, Damon and the twins with me, while Vincent rode with John.  Kurtis and Damon were amazing in the car!  We even got Happy Meals to celebrate the end of our road trip!  Annika and Dominic were also good little travelers and only really fussed when it was close to eating time (we had to stop twice to nurse).

On the 2nd we had a play date at Chuck "E" Cheese's with the McCanns.  It is so much fun to get together with them!  You all play so nicely together!  I even love how when someone took a token from Kurtis that all the older kids helped to get it back and stood up for their friend/brother!  After Chuck 'E' Cheese, we went over to Sam's Club for some ice cream and then headed home.  We always get comments when we are with the McCann clan as there are 9 children and two moms...  Luckily you were all VERY well behaved and we got through the day without incident (even dividing up and cashing in tickets!)!
It was also the twins' 6 month birthday!  That is crazy in and of itself!  I am trying so hard to savor every moment with you two.  Breathing in every last drop of BABY time, but it is still going by WAY too fast! Here is a SUPER fast update on the twins... You are still on the tiny side of things, but getting bigger and stronger every day!  I am only up for doing this blog because you are both such wonderful little sleepers (thank you!)!  Eating is going well, we will start solids next week.  I am looking forward to seeing what lies ahead this month for you two darling angels!

The 3rd was a day at home to get settled back in after our trip.  Most of the day was spent playing with new Christmas toys and cleaning up a bit.  These are some of my favorite days!  Vincent loves them too, because one of his biggest joys in life is staying in his P.J.s all day long!  You three big boys played so well together and I love to listen in on your interactions with one another!

I am not prepared for the two big boys to go back to school, but I guess I had better get ready!

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